Christian Skit Resources

Spiritual Concepts

Skit CategoryTitleCast NeededScript SynopsisScript StatusRating
Spiritual ConceptsEvery Good and Perfect Gift7Illustrating James 1:17, this skit shows how God reaches out to people and shows them His love, even before they know Him or acknowledge Him as God. Susan starts her day, and God sends her gift after gift, showing His love for Him, and ultimately leading her into a friendship with another girl who is already a Christian.Complete5
Spiritual ConceptsIntroducing God: Holly Bibble2Two friends searching for truth about the purpose of their lives and about God happen across a Bible, failing to understand what it really is. Nevertheless, they begin to find truth in it that they can apply to their lives.Complete2
Spiritual ConceptsThe Stool6A new believer learns the need to give total control of her life to the Holy Spirit, rather than giving Him lip service and retaining control herself. Ultimately this opens up an opportunity to share the gospel. This script was adapted (and largely copied) from skit company OneTimeBlind: The StoolComplete2
Spiritual ConceptsHappy Little Stoplight7The principle of God's law and its authority over us (whether we accept it or not) is illustrated by the story of a man who habitually ignores a small-town stoplight. Eventually he is involved in a ruinous accident and is liable for all the damages (plus jail time).Complete1
Spiritual ConceptsSanctification6Cindy repents of her sin and becomes a believer, but she is soon deceived into thinking that she now can sin freely, since she is already forgiven. Eventually the misery of her sin prompts her to call out for help, and the Holy Spirit gently walks her through the process of restoring her relationship with Him and with those she has sinned against. Over time, Cindy learns how to become more holy.Complete1
Spiritual ConceptsCivil War Sacrifice11Treachery during the Civil War lands a ne'er-do-well son of a prominent retired Army officer in jail. Facing a firing squad, the father offers himself in his son?s place, and is accepted by the judge. Incomplete
Spiritual ConceptsHow to be a Champion10AWANA kids live through several ordinary days, facing choices that angels and demons try to influence. Over time, one child is revealed as living by faith as a Champion, while the other is revealed as living in the flesh.Not improved